2023 Q4 Message from the KNC President

We have put 2023 into the history books. What a year it was for the Kalamazoo Numismatic Club! Loads of changes for our coin shows. Take a moment to look back at how wonderful this past year has been.

Many new members joined our club.

We added more tables to our Spring Coin Show and then added even more for our Fall Coin Show. Both shows were big hits as usual, with lots of positive feedback from our dealers. We had an awesome turn-out from club members who volunteered to help make our coin shows such great successes. We now have bragging rights as being the biggest coin show in Southwest Michigan. We are at a comfortable position now with our coin shows. All we need to do is keep the tables sold.

Revenue from membership dues and our coin shows have given us a nice budget to give our members some much deserved perks. Our great coin club subsidized two bus trip (Central States & Michigan State) coin shows.

We enjoyed our annual Christmas Dinner which was subsidized by our club at a new location – Travelers Cafe & Pub. Such a great location with lots of space and a buffet that was loaded with food.

We set new records for auction nights with numismatic items on the tables which exceeded 100 items many times.

It is time to look into the future for 2024 to be another busy year. Spring and Fall Coin Shows with the possibility of three bus trips on the table for the club to decide.

All of us need to take the challenge to keep adding new members to our great coin club! It seems that we have become quite popular.

Volunteers, we will need lots of help again for our coin shows to fine tune them into the best shows ever. Keep the enhanced security lever going. Eyes on customers really make a huge difference. Never hesitate to step in when you see something that does not look right. Take action or get help to ensure that we keep our coin shows safe for both our dealers and our customers. We must not let our security level get weak – all of us know that there are folks out there who will not hesitate to take advantage of any situation that appears to have weak security.

2024 is our board election year in September. I strongly recommend that every club member become a board member at least once. You will learn so much about the way our coin club is managed. It is a two-year term. Every club member is always welcome to sit in on a board meeting to learn about the way the board is run as well as getting educated on the responsibilities of each board position. This will help you decide if you wish to be a board member and what position is right for you. Take the challenge and get involved.

If you are interested in a position on the board, please let me know. I will be sending out election ballots in August 2024 to be returned by September 1st. The new board gets sworn in on the 2nd Tuesday in September.

Ron Mund
President, Kalamazoo Numismatic Club

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