
Love Tokens

By Dean Cugliotta

Exonumia: Numismatic items (such as tokens, medals, or scrip) other than coins and
paper money.

It was not long into my time at J&R Coins that I discovered the world of Exonumia. A local
life-long collector would put on a “show and tell” right in the shop. Most often he would
bring in coins that had been etched or engraved by someone.

Love Tokens are traditionally smooth on one side. The dates of marriages, births, deaths,
someone’s initials, or another significant event on the other side. This area of engraved
coins, or love tokens, can offer a more personal, and affordable way to collect.

The Love Token Society’s website shares two basic requirements for a love token:
(a.) the engraving must be done on a legitimate coin, and (b.) the engraving must be done
by hand.

It was not long before I added Love Tokens to my shopping list. The first token I added to
my collection was from a dealer in Warren, MI: an 1854 seated quarter, U.S. Mint, silver
pin back, engraved: A.M.C. As soon as I looked at this token, the name of my niece came
to mind. The engraving is quite delicate, with very pretty letters: Ashley Marie Cugliotta.
My goodness, this love token was made for me to find 170 years later. The history of the
coin, and what A.M.C. meant over century and a half ago is gone forever. Today, in 2023,
it reminds me of something sweet, my family.

(Of course, AMC = American Motors Corporation! Note from Darryl Salisbury.)

Most love tokens are found engraved on seated dimes, and Barber dimes. Love tokens
can also be found as large silver coins, and even early gold coins. Some could just afford
to show their love more than others.

This quote brings love tokens to life for me:
“People were quite sentimental in the Victorian age, and Love Tokens are an enduring
testament to those feelings.”
(Scott Roach)

As I collect coins by date and mint, collections become complete. When I venture into love
tokens, a journey into the past never ends.

Keep Collecting!

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